Sunday, June 13, 2010

Declared Concealaholic

Confessions of a concealaholic.
My name is Ñeñé and after trying this product I declare myself a Concealaholic.
This kit is amazing! It has a little bit of every concealer that everyone should have to hide zits, under eye dark circles or just to brighten up the day.
Pros and Cons: The brightening face primer "That Gal", enhaces the cheeks, while the "Lemon Aid" and the "Eye bright" give a lift to the eyes, specially if you went out partying the night before. I bought it thinking that it would be a great deal to try them all, and I ended up loving them all... the only con I found on it, is the "Boi-ing" concealer in No. 2, since it was too dark, but anyways you can always mix it with No. 1 and get a great covering.

Mi nombre es Ñeñé y después de probar este producto me declaro una Concealaholic.
Este kit es sensacional! Tiene con un poco de todos los correctores con los que deberíamos contar para esconder granitos, ojeras o simplemente para iluminar nuestro día.
Pros y Contras: El iluminador facial "That Gal", acentúa los rasgos en las mejillas, mientras que el "Lemon Aid" y el "Eye bright" le dan luminosidad a los ojos, especialmente si la anoche anterior te fuiste de party.
Lo compre pensando que sería genial probar todos los productos y termine amándolos a todos, el único contra que encontré fue el corrector "Boi-ing" No. 2, ya que es muy oscuro, sin embargo si lo mezclas con el No. 1 obtienes grandes resultados.

1 comment:

Unknown said...